
Professors Valdez, Gan, and Vadiveloo have conducted seminar workshops related to data analytics. These workshops have drawn interest and participation of academics and practitioners in actuarial science and insurance:

  • Workshop on "Actuarial risk modeling and data analysis with R", Turkish Insurance Institute, 19-27 February 2020, E. A. Valdez
  • Academic advisor for "Interaction terms in metamodels", Financial Mathematics Competition and Workshops, 23 July - 3 August 2019, E.A. Valdez
  • Workshop on "Data Analytics for Actuarial and Financial Modeling - Case Studies with R", sposored by READI project, University of Pelita, Harapan, Tangerang, Indonesia, 1-5 July 2019, E. A. Valdez
  • Workshop on "A short course on data mining for actuaries", Third International Congress on Actuarial Science and Quantitative Finance, 19-22 June 2019, E. A. Valdez
  • "Data Analytics for Actuarial and Financial Modeling", workshop hosted by VNU University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam, 3 January 2019, E.A. Valdez
  • "Advances in Statistical and Risk Modeling for Actuaries", 2-day workshop hosted by Charles University and the Czech Society of Actuaries, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-26 June 2018, E.A. Valdez
  • "Kriging Metamodeling for Variable Annuity Valuation", Python Boot Camp for Actuaries, Chatham Financial, Denver, CO, 23 May 2018, G. Gan
  • "Actuarial Applications using R", one-day workshop organized through the UConn Goldenson Actuarial Research Center, 19 May 2018. (J. Vadiveloo)